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如果你经常加班熬夜,把眼睛盯着屏幕,第二天起床黑眼圈、眼睛肿、眼睛疲劳、干涩、瘙痒、疼痛,这些症状千万不能掉以轻心! 你很可能患有干眼症!The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

干眼症不再是老年人独有的问题。 很多年轻人下班后对着电脑,下班后坐在沙发上看手机,不经意地熬夜。

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

很多人误以为干眼症只是个小毛病,闭上眼睛好好休息一下。 事实上,干眼症的临床治愈率并不高,而且很容易复发。
所以,眼保健要及时,一刻也不能马虎! 眼部护理需要注重内外护理。


1. '干眼症就是没有眼泪,用眼药水就好?'


简单的眼药水,此刻感觉湿润,治标不治本。 而直接滴入眼内的眼药水会冲走泪膜,刺激眼睛。 尤其是那些号称“保养”的眼药水,最容易滴干。 一不小心,可能会导致眼睛充血、发红、发炎,从而加重病情。

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

2. 如何更有效地选择合适的眼部护理产品?

feellife 医疗 Air spa Eyes是不可缺少的保养法宝!
feellife 医疗 Air spa Eyes采用AiMesh®雾化核心技术,采用微米级雾化技术,将液体弹装入Air spa Eyes后,可将眼霜的大分子变成微小颗粒,再经过1300+的空气喷射 孔洞形成微米级雾化,雾化的眼药水能真正进入眼球和眼周深层补水。 雾气细腻、柔软、均匀,使用时感觉很舒服。

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

3. 对漏妆说不,feellife Medical AiMesh® 雾化核心技术

滋润眼部, 无声无息, 轻薄无妆
高品质:微电网技术,安全高科技! 雾化颗粒为7~10μm,吸收更充分。

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star


The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

People who wear contact lenses for a long time, have eye fatigue, often use electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers, and use their eyes excessively.

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

维生素 B12、维生素 B6、牛磺酸、海藻糖
● 产品优势

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

Clear eyes and moist nourishment are greetings from the depths of nature. feellife Medical Nutrition Double Eye Drop contains double vitamin essence, which can strengthen the corneal self-healing ability, can continuously moisturizing, moisturizing and soothing the eyes, bringing incomparable moisture and vitality to the eyes. Relieve eye fatigue, prevent neurological diseases of the eye; care for the cornea, promote metabolism, moisturizing and moisturizing the eyes 24 hours a day, and avoid corneal congestion.

The new product of the color contact device is launched, and Raffles Shenzhen has become a new star

使用方法:很简单,可以直接更换液体弹,平时如果想简单放松一下眼睛,可以一键轻松开启眼部滋润眼部,还有眼部SPA缓解干燥 眼睛。

PS:也有平时戴隐形眼镜和彩色镜片的人。 在使用雾化之前,他们需要摘下隐形眼镜才能使用雾化功能。